Short Stories
500 words or less.
All stories are 2 minute reads.
Australian author and short story legend Cate Kennedy told me:
‘Write a story once a week for a year, because it’s impossible to write 52 bad ones in a row’
Season three
— replacement and revelations
And thus the world as he knew it, changed forever.
A little bit of luck can go a long way.
Look after yourself, because no one else will.
SEASON Two — death and isolation
Overdue rent is now the least of your worries
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Who knew being the last, would be so lonely?
Don’t get caught in the Uncanny Valley.
SEASON onE — Love and loss
You won’t want to be late for your appointment with the Prophet.
A billion mind controlled ants are on the loose, and it’s all your fault.
Don’t delay! The love of your life leaves in six minutes!
You’ve just been killed. A door awaits. Heaven or Hell?
A detective and a machine that can read minds. The hunt for the President’s killer couldn’t be any easier.
In a post-apocalyptic world, marriage just ain’t what it used to be.